Friday, October 31, 2014

The U.S. National Government

If I were to grade the United States' national government just by watching how we are dealing with the ever growing threat of ISIS, I would give it an F. Our government leaders are too occupied with re-elections, or maybe just worried that dealing with the problem would be political suicide. When did American leadership become so timid? Why are citizens of this great nation electing and re-electing spineless and immoral people to represent us? We are ultimately to blame for this, because we keep making the same mistakes and we never learn from it. You pretty much have to kill a baby or get involved in some sleazy sex scandal to be removed from office. We used to be a country that stood up for what is right and fought against the wrongs in this world. When did standing up for what is right become a political disaster?

We have an ever growing problem in Iraq and Syria. Jihadists in the murdering, raping, evil gang of savages, known as ISIS have been sweeping through Iraq and Syria, and our president turns a blind eye to it. They are murdering people every single day, and kidnapping young girls and women and selling them in the sex slave market. These horrific acts are going basically unchallenged because the United States refuses to send boots on the ground. The president made a promise that he would get all boots off the ground in Iraq and he definitely kept his word. It was the second worst decision after the invasion of Iraq was to pull our troops out of Iraq, the first is not doing anything about it after it is obviously out of control over there. Our soldiers and marines would have a huge impact on the genocide going on over there, and it would be an immediate impact. We would halter their advancement, and then we would be able to eliminate as many as possible, and send the rest feeling. We have the best military in the world, and they are combat experienced, it is time we use them again. Former Ambassador to the U.N. John Bolten, said wednesday, "the only thing that is going to stop this growth of terrorism--as states deteriorate all over the Middle East--Is an American involvement, with a coalition of others, who understand that the terrorist threat--the threat of extremist Islam, remains and is growing. And out policy the past several months has been passivity in the face of ISIS in Iraq and a whole series of other crises that we see developing to."

We need to get this right during this next election and start electing people in power that stand up for what is right, it doesn't matter if they are Democrat or Republican, just who is the best person for the job and the one that doesn't have any other agenda but what is good for humanity. Isn't that, after all, what is at stake?

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